Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 13- Attack of the Muffins!

I have this strange superstition that if someone is sick, they will magically get better if I wash their sheets, and bake something from scratch.  LOL.  Why I feel this way, I am not sure... but it seems to work :)

Today I made fresh zucchini chocolate chip muffins with ingredients from Whole Foods.  I love sneaking the zucchini in there, and no one even knows... muah ha ha.  I made them for my friend that is (still!) recovering from surgery.  I feel I may have a lot of posts about her... 6 weeks on crutches.  Ouch.  I feel for her.  I really do.

Maybe my magical muffins will shorten her recovery time... but the real question is- should I wash her sheets?! ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Muffins have the healing power. Colby really liked them as well. Forget washing the sheets, what Chris is doing to my HVAC system may not shorten my recovery but it lower my bills and that rocks!
