Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 15- Click it!

The Child Health Site
Much like The Hunger Site, The Child Health Site is an easy way to improve children's health care with a simple click.

Yesterday's clicks alone helped give over 1,000 children Vitamin A shots to prevent blindness, and rehydrate over 1,000 children as well! 

Vitamin A is a necessary component in the development of a child's immune system. It increases a child's resistance to common, potentially deadly childhood diseases and symptoms. Children who are deficient, according to the WHO on vitamin A supplementation, "suffer a dramatically increased risk of death, blindness, and illness, especially from measles and [diarrhea]." When you click, you are protecting a child from the effects of disease.

Isn't it crazy that something so small, like Vitamin A supplementation & hydration can have such a positive effect on a person's life? 

Get out there and click! ;)

Day 14- Be Good to Your Mother (Earth)!

Today I was good to my mother earth :) 

Before heading out to the grocery store to load up on fresh fruits and veggies, I grabbed some of the reusable bags I've acquired over the years.  While there is a lot of debate over paper or plastic, I think we all can agree that reusable bags rock!  Not only do they hold more, but they also don't break mid-stair climb :)

While I was out shopping, I also brought along my new favorite on the go cup- it looks just like your standard plastic water cup and straw, but it is a very sturdy reusable container.  About a million companies make these now, and are very easy to find :)

All moms need a break some days, including Mother Earth.  She does alot after all... :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 13- Attack of the Muffins!

I have this strange superstition that if someone is sick, they will magically get better if I wash their sheets, and bake something from scratch.  LOL.  Why I feel this way, I am not sure... but it seems to work :)

Today I made fresh zucchini chocolate chip muffins with ingredients from Whole Foods.  I love sneaking the zucchini in there, and no one even knows... muah ha ha.  I made them for my friend that is (still!) recovering from surgery.  I feel I may have a lot of posts about her... 6 weeks on crutches.  Ouch.  I feel for her.  I really do.

Maybe my magical muffins will shorten her recovery time... but the real question is- should I wash her sheets?! ;) 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 12- A Click a Day Keeps the Hunger Away

Today I visited The Hunger Site and clicked....

The Hunger Site

Thank you for clicking!

Your click gave the value of 1.1 cups of food to the hungry.

By simply visiting I was able to make a small, but signatificant difference today.  To show just how big of a difference a click a day can make, take yesterday for example- there were 114,217 clicks, which resulted in 16,133 lbs of food!

Please visit their site.  They feature so many awesome ways of helping people, animals, and the planet! 

More to come on this for sure!  ;)

Day 11- MUST have Essentials

Out of all the service projects I participate in each year, The March 'Big Give' that Northstar ( organizes for MUST is the best!  Isaac, my 6 year old son, and I have a yearly tradition of gathering bathroom essentials for MUST Easter bags and putting it all together.  This year we each made a bag, thanks in part to some wonderful donations I received.  The bags include things like soap, shampoo, razors, a toothbrush & toothpaste, and other bathroom necessities.  These are given to people coming into MUST trying to get their lives back on track.  It makes me happy to give someone such basic necessities that we all assume will be there for us.  I also like to sneak a few extras in there, like makeup samples, and perfume ;)

MUST Ministries is a faith-based, 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing services to persons and families in crisis while maintaining their dignity. MUST is a place where one's faith can be put into action and where we can minister to the poor, the brokenhearted and those who are in crisis - in a place where "your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." (Frederick Buechner)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 10- Earth Hour

Today my family participated in Earth Hour.  We've done this for a few years now, and it is always amazing to see the cumulative results of each person's choice.    

If you missed this year, don't worry.  It will be back next year, and until then, find a way to make every day Earth Day :) 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 9- True Friends

Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.


One of my friends reminded me of this sad truth today.  Sometimes we find out who our real friends are based on who shows up when we need them the most.  I told my friend (real friends don't ask- they tell LOL) that I was coming over to do some quick cleaning today.  She recently had surgery and isn't able to do usual activities just yet.  My heart really goes out to her, and other people in her situation, because she doesn't just have the physical recovery to deal with, but has also been hit with overwhelming emotional pain.  For my one small kindness today, I cleaned.  And I cleaned Green :)
Simple Green is a great cleaner- very fresh smell!

 Hopefully this small gesture brightened her day just enough to take one small burden off her shoulders. 

Today I noticed that Isaac, my 6 year old son, has been picking up on my actions- I have mentioned to him that I am doing a 'kindness' each day for someone, and I usually fill him in on it.  It looks as though he took it upon himself to do a kindness, and bought his best girl at school an ice cream today.  So sweet :)  Made me very proud to see his giving spirit come out.

Until tomorrow, friends~

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 8- Education

Only the educated are free.


Today I voluteered at Kennesaw Charter Science & Math Academy in one of the Kindergarten rooms.  As you can imagine, a room full of 15-20 6 year olds can get a little crazy at times!  In order to allow the teacher to work more effectively with small groups of students, I voluteered during literacy centers.  The kids are divided up into 4-5 different centers to work on different literacy skills.  I have volunteered here before, and it always makes me feel like i'm making a difference when the kids are actually happy to find out that Mrs. Hall, or 'Heather' is coming into the class.  I saw a lot of creativity, helped with a few meltdowns, and make sure glue caps got put back on.  LOL.  Seriously though, if you have not volunteered with the future of America yet, now is the time.  Schools across the country are usually quite happy to get fresh blood in the building :) 

Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater.

Gail Godwin

No kidding, Gail ;) 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 7- XXX

Never Underestimate the XXX... Vitamin Water that is!

My friend is still on the mend from foot surgery, and unfortunately was up all night throwing up due to the pain medication.  Her blood pressure was also quite low, and being that I know how she feels all too well, I brought her my favorite fixer-upper beverage- Vitamin Water!  This stuff is so great.  Tons of B Vitamins, and electrolytes to get a girl back to good in no time.  After a few sips (and a little more force-feeding!  LOL) she had perked up quite a bit. 

The longer I am on this journey, the more I am noticing how life is changing.  My entire thought process has changed from what I need to what can I offer to others.  And honestly, the way people have treated me has changed overnight it feels like.  Maybe it's because I've changed, and they have no choice but to respond to the change?  I'm not sure, but it's wonderful~


Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.

Helen Keller

Well put, Helen.  Let's continue on our journey...

Day 6- Creamy Dreamy Comfort

You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.
Julia Child

Heather's Creamy Dreamy Pasta Alfredo made an appearance today.  My friend & neighbor had foot surgery, and when she returned home later that afternoon, the Alfredo was there to greet her :)  Since she needs to stay in bed with her foot raised, I thought how much dinner would help, especially since it has helped me during past surgeries for someone to come feed my child (and me!) and clean up after.  Her husband is deployed overseas right now, and she has two very active boys.  Not only did she love the dinner, but so did her boys, probably because it was Ronzoni Smart Taste.

I left feeling very satisfied :) 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 5- Plan USA

Today I wrote a letter to a child we sponsor through Plan. Julius is a 9 year old boy who lives in the Philippines with his parents and baby sister. Thanks to Plan he is able to attend school and have an opportunity at a brighter future. Here is the letter I wrote this morning:

Dear Julius,

Warm greetings to you and your family! I hope you are doing well. I would love to learn more about you and your community. One thing I'd like to know about growing up in your country is a small tradition you or your family have that keeps life happy even though things might be tough.

Do you have a favorite game? When I was your age, I loved to play connect 4. It is a children's game, although lots of adults like to play too! The objective of the game is to get 4 like game pieces together, and to block your opponent from getting 4. It is really fun, and I think you would like it :)

Are you in school? What do you want to do when you are older? When I was little, I wanted to be an explorer and a marine biologist. I love all the variety the world has to offer, and still love exploring to this day. I hope to be able to come visit your country one day.

Julius, I hope you are doing well and taking advantage of each day you are given. While some days might be very difficult, I hope that you remember that you have someone on the other side of the world that cares about you, and a God that is everywhere and knows all about your struggles and your achievements. You are special and are where you are for a reason. I pray that you use your time wisely and continue smiling. I have your picture by my desk and think about you everyday. Please wish your family a Happy Spring from the Hall family.

I look forward to hearing from you!


"Plan's work to promote child rights and lift millions of girls and boys out of
poverty is based around eight core areas. Plan’s strategy emphasizes community engagement and ownership as the means to address the needs of children around the world."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 4- Sunday

Today was a day of financial giving. Northstar Church in Kennesaw is one amazing church. We found a home at this particular church mostly because of how community focused they are. It is well known in the Kennesaw and surrounding areas, that if you are in need, you can get help at Northstar. They have partnered with so many different community organizations to meet needs and bring peace to the area. I decided to donate some of the money i've earned doing odds and ends lately to the church. Chris and Isaac also were excited about this, and followed suit. I let Isaac throw it all in the donation basket, to which he thought was the greatest thing ever. He started brain storming all sorts of ideas on how he could help out the community. It made me smile :)

I wanted to share one aspect about our church, and why I enjoy giving to support the various ministries. This is a portion of the vision statement at Northstar (

Since Jesus helped people and offered them a more “flavorful” life, we chose the acrostic S.A.L.T. to present our VISION, which is to:

SEE people the way Jesus saw them,
ACCEPT people the way Jesus accepted them,
LOVE people the way Jesus loved them, and
TOUCH people the way Jesus touched them.

I personally feel that it is very important to get out in your community, where ever you are, and get to know the needs. It is a great way to get out of your own personal slump and see how others are living.

...I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ,[c] who gives me strength. 14 Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty. Phillipeans 4:11-14

No matter where you are at today, full or on empty, I hope you will still take a chance to get out in your community and see what you have to offer, and do so generously.

Happy Sunday :) Heather

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 3- The Day of the Mattress

Today was a special giving day. Chris & I have been in need of a new mattress for a while, and finally were able to purchase one. Since our new one came today, I had thought about some different ideas for our old Ikea mattress. It was about 5 years old, still in decent shape, but has been through lots of stains and spills (lesson learned: invest $30 into mattress cover! lol). I posted on craigslist ( asking if anyone knew of recycling centers, or if someone could use it for something; anything. I received an email from a lady who recently relocated here after a bad relationship. She was only able to bring what fit in her small car, which wasn't much. She said she had been sleeping on the floor and would appreciate anything. Here is an excerpt from her email:


It felt really good to know that my old mattress would not only be spared from the landfill, but actually improve someone else's life. I felt very glad to meet someone's need, and I didn't stop there. I loaded her up with two pillows, a sheet set, and air freshener :)

Someone is going to have a warm bed to sleep in tonight with fresh sheets. Can it get any better? :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 2- Homemade with Love :)

Banana Bread makes everything better. Well, at least a little bit :)

Today I am meeting a friend for lunch who is going through some pretty rough times. I want to cheer her up and let her know that someone cares and is thinking about her. I also have a neighbor who could use a little cheering up after getting laid off her job. So, baked goods for all!

Sometimes all it takes to change the course of the future is one small action-

A good meal makes a man feel more charitable toward the world than any sermon.
Arthur Pendenys

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 1- World Wildlife Fund

Isaac is growing like a weed and needs new uniform shorts for school. Chris needs new pants for work, and I could use some capris for the summer as well. If you are wondering how my online shopping habits have anything to do with helping others, here's the deal: Gap hosts a 'give and get' program a few times a year where they will give 5% of your total purchase price to a chartity of your choice and you get 30% off your order. After ordering 6 pairs of pants, & after discount my total was $67. Savvy shopping, if I do say so myself ;) My total contribution (5%) for the day= $3.35. The charity I selected was the World Wildlife Fund

WWF - Who We Are - Environmental Conservation - About WWF

Not only was it easy to make a choice to shop online & save money, I was also able to help out an organization I care about!

Welcome to One Woman Blessings!

One woman + one act of kindness a day for 1 year. What change will we see in the world? What change will we see in each other and the people personally affected by this blog? I'm not sure, but i'd like to find out :)